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Digital Resources: Where to Find and How to Use Them In-Person

Your library card is the most valuable item in your wallet. With it, you have access to digital streaming, downloads, and databases from your Library. From Ancestry and Consumer Reports to Qello Concerts and Transparent Languages, you don't have to pay for online subscriptions with your library card.  This class will show you what is available, and teach you how to access these resources on your own device or on a Library laptop. All you'll need for this class is your library card. And you must be able to use a mouse to navigate. For more information please call the Reference desk, at 330-745-1194, ex. 1418/1419.

Monday, March 13, 2023
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Spillette Meeting Room
Registration has closed.

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